Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Flash....

If you haven't heard, we welcomed
Maverick Sheppard Garrett
to the world
May 7
th 2009, 6lds and 10oz.

I was admitted for observation because of headaches and seeing black spots (the day before my blood pressure was a little high, they told me to chill and I didn't) so that night they started softening my cervix and in no time I was pushing! It all happen so fast... I almost didn't get my epidural in time!! Justin was a great push coach, but he almost passed out holding me for the epidural- they told him not to look!!! And, the nurse was AMAZING helping me every step of the way. I just remember Justin and her going on and on about how "good" I was doing........ I'm a show off so they had me thinking, "just give me a second I'm gonna be the best pusher you've ever seen!!!!"
I only pushed for about 30min. :)
When Dr. Heckman put my baby boy on my chest I think my heart stop... Justin and I just look at him and then each other and cried. I have never felt this love before and as Justin reminded me the other day, the way we look and love Mav doesn't even compare to the way God loves us and the cross...... How wonderful is that. I keep saying I don't deserve all this, but one things for sure I give Maverick to my Lord and Savior!
Our Family has been BLESSING us through acts of service. We have best family in the world! Everyone was at the hospital and we couldn't wait to show him off. Justin almost ran out the door to get them, forgetting that I still needed some work. LOL!! What an UNBELIEVABLE father, I more in love with him today than ever before.
Well, this is the begaining of a new life for us and we'll keep you posted:)

Thanks to everyone for the emails, texts, calls, cards, visits, etc.


  1. Congratulations April! Maverick is beautiful! I am so happy for you and Justin.

    Charissa McLain

  2. Holy TEARS! What a great feeling, I can't wait to read more about your love for Mav and your family. This is just the beginning to a wonderful journey through Motherhood. Love you!

  3. Congrats! It is amazing how much you love something you barely know, and even crazier...It grows with every passing day! Enjoy every moment (I know everyone tells you that) but it is soo incredibly true, they grow up entirely too fast!
